What is Virtual Exchange?

Virtual Exchange (VE) programs allow young people to engage with peers worldwide on issues that matter to them, helping them prepare to thrive in an increasingly diverse and globalized workforce.

These cross-cultural exchange and educational experiences come in many forms, so it's important to invest time in researching different options to find the best fit for your participants.

Pick the right program

To identify the best program for your class, students or youth group, consider your objectives and the type of program that would align best with your learning outcomes.

Here are 5 key considerations to guide your selection:

    • What are the learning outcomes? Do you want to ensure the learning is activated as part of the exchange?

    • How much of a learning process do you hope and can build around the exchange?

    • How much time can you expect participants to dedicate to their exchange experience each week?

    • Would you like your participants to engage at a peer-to-peer level with other participants from different classes, courses or institutions?

    • Would you like your class to engage with another class at another institution?

    • Or would you like students to engage in diverse groups across diverse lines of difference?

    • What countries and / or regions would you like your participants to engage with?

    • Would you like your participants to engage with others from one particular country or multiple countries?

    • What academic or educational level(s) or background(s) would you like your participants to engage with?

    • Would you like your participants' exchange to focus on one topic, theme or academic discipline?

    • Or would you like your participants to have a multidisciplinary exchange?

  • How much time and effort will you be able to dedicate to your participants' exchange experience before, during and after the exchange experience?

  • Promote the program well

    Share information about the program early on, including what participants can expect from the experience. Set clear expectations for participation and outline the academic and professional benefits of active involvement. Provide an overview of how the program fits into your coursework and aligns with your course objectives.

  • Create an incentive structure

    Allocate a percentage of the course grade to participation in the program, ensuring it reflects the time and effort participants invest. Alternatively, consider an incentive that would appeal to participants, such as certification or other forms of recognition for completing the exchange.

    This approach will motivate participants to engage actively and stay committed to the learning process.

  • Prepare the participants

    Orient participants to the program by explaining how it works and, if possible, sharing past participants' experiences.

    Provide clear information about your expectations for their participation, the program's goals, and the importance of their active engagement in the learning process.

    Set participants up for success by offering guidance on how they can maximize the experience and gain added value for their future development.

  • Ensure good technical setup

    Make sure all participants have access to a computer and a strong internet connection to use for their participation in the program.

    You can also set up a small space and a few computers at the university for their use, in coordination with your department or the university library, which is often well-equipped for such requests.

    Ensure you emphasise that participation requires consistent connection and a functioning camera.

  • Support participants’ learning

    Set aside time during class for weekly or bi-weekly discussions with your participants to reflect on their exchange experience.

    Use this time to learn about their experiences, help them reflect on what they are gaining from the exchange program, and explore ways they can deepen their learning moving forward.

Ready to try out a VE program?

Head over to our programs to learn more!

If you’d like guidance on how to pick a program, contact us.